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A member registered Nov 28, 2020

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homestuck vibes

neat game

Another banger from Kultisti.

I'm always delighted when I open itch and see that you've made another game! very enjoyable game.

cool story.

"I won't cry" speak for yourself.

this was a really good game but could you maybe ad an alternate attack button? my computer screen mostly goes black if I double click the ctrl key.

a minor? did you find any diamonds? I hope you don't get black lung! 😆😨😱

this is really cool. how did you make this?

how did you make this? what engine do you use 

very unique and enjoyable game. I had fun playing.

cool game

hows your username pronounced?


great music! pretty good story.

every game you make is amazing

cool! has pixel overlord quit youtube?



it was quite difficult but still fun. I liked the art.

managed to get the "female" symbol. pretty cool generator.


cool game. I love the colour choices

this is really cool. keep up the great work watabou!

probably just for asthetics


this is really amazing. I love the art, the story, and the gameplay. 10/10

great game!!! I love everything about it

(1 edit)

it does. press f

thank you fort making this game! it was very enjoyable and fun.

very compelling and unusual. I'd like to see more of the world where this is set.

great game

original, cute and simple. great game.

wow! very fun

what is the one below the living research center? I don't have it

great game! had fun playing

so wholsome

very nice. i have noticed that many of them look like r2d2 from star wars. keep making cool generators like this.

ive gotten to +++the end+++ where you cant click its claws anymore is that actually the end

very nice.